Saturday, March 15, 2008

winds a'blowin

"What's more delightful than an evening beside the fire with a nice bright lamp and a book, listening to the wind beating against the windows?"
"How true!" she said, her great dark eyes fixed widely on him.
"I'm absolutely removed from the world at such times," he said. "The hours go by without my knowing it. Sitting there I'm wandering in countries I can see every detail of -- I'm playing a role in the story I'm reading. I actually feel I'm the characters -- I live and breathe with them."
Madame Bovary Pt. II, Ch. II serendipitous, to find this quote at the end of a Friday night that I have spent doing exactly what it speaks of*. Sure is windy tonight in SB. I've just stumbled upon a collection of quotes from Madame Bovary, written by Gustave Flaubert in 1857, and they are all gems indeed. Who knew?

"Ah!" she said, lifting her lovely tear-bright eyes to the ceiling. "If you knew all the dreams I've dreamed!"
Madame Bovary Pt. III, Ch. I

*the experience amplified by listening to tracks like "Friday I'm In Love" by The Cure

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