Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Waning Hours...

of being 25.

25 is a good round number. I've enjoyed it. My last day being in the very middle of my mid-20s I've spent like any, working and running around seeing friends. But I'm going out tonight, as late as I feel like it, because tomorrow, my birthday, I don't have to work. I learned a couple years ago that birthdays are so much more enjoyable when you get the day off work...original idea, huh? Mary has given me the day off for the past couple years so I've been trying to take full advantage. Last year and again this year I'll sit in on a Rhetoric class up at Westmont. I consider this a luxury. Tomorrow I plan to do a beach stroll and maybe frame some photos and do Pilates and sit at a coffee shop... and then I'm throwing my own party downtown. With purple balloons and pool tables and beer and friends and more friends.

And that's how you do your first day of being 26.


Lesley Miller said...

On these last waning hours of your 25th year I'd like to say:

1. Well done
2. Live it up tonight
3. Tomorrow sounds amazing, so live that up too
4. Happy Birthday and I love you!

Anna said...

I just had the privelage of saying these words into your real live ear just after the stroke of midnight on your official birthday, but I will say them again here, for posterity.

I think that you've have become a real adult this year. You have encountered some unexpected and challenging life events, and you have chosen to approach them with grace, poise, a willingness to learn and an ability to reflect. You have emerged as a better version of yourself, a more refined version of the woman you have been created to be.

Happy birthday, I love you!

emilykatz said...


Tara said...

Hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday! Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff lined up making for a great day! Sending you love from the 3 Bam ladies. :)